The modern and fun way to program.
Variables are some space in memory where we store values. In Smudge we declare a variable with the syntax:
var name;
// or
var name = default_value;
In the first statement we declare a variable named name
with value null
while in the second we specify a default value.
Also, it’s possible to declare multiple variables at once:
var a, b, c, d; // all nulls
var e = 100, f, g = 1, h = e+1; // only f is null
We can reassign a variable with another value or read its value as well:
var a = 2, b = 5; // here we declare the variables
func main(){
io.println("a is: ", a); // here we read a's value
a = a * b; // here we set a's value (could be written as a *= b)
io.println("a is: ", a); // again, to check if it changed
a is: 2
a is: 10
It’s not mandatory to keep a same type for a variable: you can, for example, declare a variable with as default value an integer and put in it a string later.
Here are the fateful variable types (or object types): For now it’s not important to understand all of them, there’s plenty of time to do it.
Type Name | How to obtain | Description |
Null | keyword null |
Null represents absence of value. |
Integer | Integer literal | An integer number |
Float | Floating-point literal | A floating point number |
String | String literal (double or single quotes) | A vector of characters |
Class instance | Calling operator() to a class. |
An instance of a class. |
Class | class <name> ... { } |
- |
Function | func <name> ... { } |
- |
Box | keyword box (to get the current one) |
- |
Reference | through ref(...) |
A reference (address of) another variable |
So, because a variable can have a value of any of the above types (plus others used internally by the interpreter), we can type:
func main {
var p = io.println; // we're assigning a function to p
p("Hello, world!"); // we're using p
Aliases can be easily created using variables.
Smudge, unlike many other interpreted programming languages, inherited the powerful scope rules from C-like programming languages.
A variable can be declared in the box scope or inside a local scope. The box scope is outside any function, while local scope not.
var x = 1; // x is declared in a global scope
func main (){
var y = 2; // y is declared in a local scope
{ // with braces we're creating a new scope
var z = 3;
} // now z is deleted (because become unused)
} // now y is deleted
// x will be deleted by the interpreter only when the program has ended.
Usually, we don’t create an inner-scope directly with the braces like the above example, but they will be created when using if statements and loops (that we’ll see later).
In Smudge we can put variable declarations bigger expressions as well:
In this code both x
and y
will have value 100
var x;
func main ()
x = (var y = 100); // same as x = var y = 100;
In fact, Smudge treats variable definitions just like assignments: they will “return” a reference of the variable that can be, in turn, reassigned.
func main()
((var x = 3) = 5) *= 2; // setting x to 10 in an original way.
This, of course, gives you a lot of power. Here is an weird use of this feature:
var x = 1, y = 2;
* Will call function given with
* global var x *or* y, selected
* by boolean value exclude.
* The other parameter value
* can be given or not.
* Examples:
* callF(f, false, null)
* will call f(x, null)
* callF(f, true)
* will call f(0, y)
func callF(f, exclude, value = 0) {
(exclude ? var x : var y) = value;
return f(x, y);
Note 1: the one with ?
and :
is called conditional expression,
and allows to inline an if
condition in an expression (Again, too early to understand it at all).
Note 2: the above syntax doesn’t apply to multiple var definitions; take a look at the following code:
(var x, y, z); // illegal syntax: ambiguous
((var x), y, z); // legal syntax: making a tuple from 'null' and values of x and y
When we declare a function, it will be stored in a global variable of the current box. So, we can treat them as normal variables.
func a io.println("a()");
func b io.println("b()");
func main {
// swapping a and b
var tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
// calling functions
While function arguments are stored in its local scope:
func main(){
var x = "old value";
func f(a){ // a is a *copy* of x, so
a = "new value"; // we set local a value
} // a destroyed
old value
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