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The Smudge Programming Language - Documentation of box

The box allows you to handle console and file I/O. Note: in this page I’ll often say character instead of byte, so, unless specified don’t think about Unicode (differently from the std.lang SmudgeDoc).

Var ln

A string containing a newline character (\n).

Function print (obj...)

Prints a text representation of the objects given to the stdout. Returns the box object.

Function println (obj...)

Prints a text representation of the objects given to the stdout and a newline character (\n). Returns the box object.

Function e_print (obj..)

Prints a text representation of the objects given to the stderr. Returns the box object.

Function e_println (obj...)

Prints a text representation of the object given to the stderr and a newline character (\n). Returns the box object.

Function line ()

Inputs a text line from stdin and stores it as a string. Returns the string, or null if typed EOF (e.g. Ctrl+D on Unix).

Function int ()

Inputs an integer from stdin. Returns the integer, or null if an error occurs during the conversion.

Function float ()

Inputs a floating point number from stdin. Returns the number, or null if an error occurs during the conversion.

Function get ()

Reads a character from stdin. Returns a string containing its value, or null if EOF is entered (e.g. Ctrl+D on Unix).

Function getc ()

Reads a character from stdin. Returns an integer containing its ASCII value or -1 if
EOF is entered EOF (e.g. Ctrl+D on Unix).

Function next ()

Inputs a string from stdin ending by newline character (\n), tab character (\t) or spaces. Returns the string, and never returns null.

Function << (obj)

Alias for print (obj). Like print (obj), Returns the box object.

Function >> (obj)

Calls function next () and sets obj to its return value. To make the magic work, obj should be a reference to a valid variable (got through ref keyword), otherwise this function won’t do anything. Returns the box object.

Function open (path[, mode = RW])

Opens a file stream and creates a FileStream instance to handle it. path is a string representation of the file path, while mode is an integer which value corresponds to the stream opening mode. You can obtain the right value of opening mode by combining the following values (with + or | operators):

Var name Value (bin) Value (hex) Description
BIN 1 1 Opens in binary mode.
APP 10 2 Writes at the end of the file
WRITE 100 4 Opens an output stream.
READ 1000 8 Opens an input stream.
RW 1100 C both READ and WRITE, default value.
TRUNC 10000 10 Deletes the content of the file before writing

Note that:

Returns the instance of FileStream, or null if the stream can’t be open.

Function remove (fileName)

Deletes the file named fileName. Returns false if the operation failed, true otherwise.

Function rename (old, new)

Renames file old with the new name new. Returns false if the operation failed, true otherwise.

Class FileStream

The implementation of the class is native and consist of an object containing an std::fstream instanced and open with the given arguments, when an instance of class FileStream is deleted, the stream is automatically closed.

Methods new () and delete ()

Implemented natively, will cause errors if called manually.

Method open (path[, mode = RW])

Opens the file given with a certain mode. See [] for more, which is better to use. Returns false if the stream couldn’t be open, true otherwise.

Method close ()

Closes the stream. Returns null.

Method get ()

Reads a character from the stream. Returns a string containing the character, or null if EOF is reached.

Method getc ()

Reads a character from the stream. Returns an integer containing its ASCII value or -1 if EOF is reached.

Method line ()

Reads a text line from the stream and stores it as a string. Returns the string, or null if the operation fails.

Method peek ()

Peeks the next character. Returns an integer containing its ASCII value or -1 if EOF is reached.

Method read (n)

Reads next n characters from the stream and stores them as a string. Returns the string, or null is n is an invalid parameter.

Method read_all ()

Reads all the text from the stream until it finds EOF and stores it in a string. Returns the string. read_all() never returns null.

Method write (obj)

Writes a text representation of the object given to the stream at the current position. Returns the FileStream instance.

Method count ()

Returns the number of bytes read from the last input operation in an integer. Note: if called after peek(), count() will always return 0.

Method seek (off[, pos = BEG])

Sets the position of the next character to be extracted to offset off relatively to pos that can have one of the following values:

Var name Value (dec/hex) Description
BEG 0 Beginning of the stream
CURR 1 Current position
END 2 End of the stream

Values greater than 2 will be considered as END.

Returns null.

Method tell ()

Returns the number of the current character in an integer.

Method good ()

Checks if the stream can be read. Returns true if neither EOF nor errors occured, false otherwise.
