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The Smudge Programming Language - Documentation of box std.system

The box std.system contains miscellaneous environment settings and utilities.


An integer containing the Smudge version XXYYZZ using the following rule: in decimal:

For example: version 7.4.3 becomes 70403.


A string containing a human readable Smudge version.


A string containing the date of the current Smudge version expressed in MM.YYYY.

Function check ()

Returns true only if the environment is ready to execute commands (via run (cmd) or () (cmd)), false otherwise.

Function run (cmd) and () (cmd)

Executes the command contained in the string cmd. Returns null.

Function exit (i)

Exits the program with, as return value, the integer i. Does not return anything.

Function abort ()

Aborts the current program (terminates the process with signal SIGABRT). Does not return anything.

Function sterr (str)

Exits the current program but prints the stack trace and the given error message str. If str is not a string, it will be converted to it through std.cast::string(x). Does not return anything.

Function get (str)

Gets the environment variable named str (which has to be a string) and stores its value to a string. Returns the string, or null if str is not a string.

Function alloc (nbytes)

Creates a new Chunk instance of length equal to nbytes. Returns the instance, or null if nbytes is not an integer.

Class Chunk

Class Chunk contains an array of bytes allocated in the heap memory.

Method new (num)

Allocates the Chunk with size num (or does nothing if num is not an integer). Returns null.

Method delete ()

Frees the allocated memory. Returns null.

Method failed ()

Returns true if the allocation of the array failed, false otherwise.

Method get (idx)

Returns the value of the byte at the offset idx. idx can be negative, in that case it will ve counted from the end.

Method set (idx[, val = 1])

Sets the byte at the offset idx to the value val. idx can be negative, in that case it will ve counted from the end. Returns false if the operation failed, true otherwise.

Method reset (idx)

Sets the byte at the offset idx to 0. idx can be negative, in that case it will ve counted from the end. Returns false if the operation failed, true otherwise.

Method iterate ()

Returns an instance of ChunkIterator pointing to the begin of the array.

Class ChunkIterator

An iterator class form Chunk.

Method new (chunk)

Constructs a new iterator starting from the given Chunk instance chunk.

Method delete ()

Destroys the iterator instance.

Method next ()

Advances the iterator. Returns a tuple containing the pointed byte and an int (true if it’s valid, false otherwise).
